The server certificate that Jabberd will present to the client, does not need to be signed by a Certification Authority (CA), it can be a self-signed certificate.
However, the SASL EXTERNAL authentication mechanism needs the user certificates to be signed by a CA.
Currently Jabberd2 does not support the proposed SASL EXTERNAL WEBID. Therefore, you will need to create a CA certificate that will be used to generate the user certificates by the xmppwebid certificate generator and by Jabberd2 itself to validate those user certificates.
You can download this project in either * zip or * tar formats.
You can also clone the project with Git by running:
$ git clone git://
Generate the CA certificate:
$ cd xmppwebid/python-xmppwebid/xmppwebid
$ ./ -h # to see the options
$ ./ #without arguments will put the CA certificate and private key in /tmp
Note: if you enter arguments with spaces, remember to enclose them in ‘ ” ‘, or it will fail silently.
$ cd xmppwebid/python-xmppwebid/xmppwebid
$ ./
$ cd xmppwebid/python-xmppwebid/xmppwebid
$ ./
In any case, chown the certificates and key to the jabberd user that will access to it:
chown jabber: myjabberdcert.pem
chmod 400 myjabberdcert.pem